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About Our Chinese Typing and Translation Software:

Our FREE typing software, powered by Google, offers fast and accurate typing, making it easy to type in Chinese anywhere on the web.

When you type a word in English and press the spacebar, the word will be transliterated into Chinese. You can press the backspace key or click on the selected word to see more options in the dropdown menu.

The process of transliterating English to Chinese is very quick, and our online software allows unlimited characters and words to be transliterated. Additionally, when you press the spacebar, the text is automatically saved on your computer. So, in case of a browser crash or when you revisit, the previously transliterated text will be retrieved and displayed.

Our typing software is simple and easy to use as you don’t need to remember complex keyboard layouts or days of practice to type fluently in Chinese.

Once you have finished typing, you can email the text to anyone for FREE directly from our website. Alternatively, you can copy the text and share it on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, or paste it into Word Documents for further formatting and editing.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please leave a comment on our Facebook page. And most importantly, don’t forget to like and share our page on Facebook with your loved ones.

Features you should know:

  • Typing English words in the above text area will be converted into the closest corresponding Chinese word or script.

    For example, typing "bu yong xie" will be transliterated into "不用谢".
  • Press (Ctrl+G) to switch between English and Chinese.
  • Use the backspace or click on any words to get more choices on a drop-down menu.
  • Once you have finished typing, email it to your friends and family.
  • Simply copy and paste to post content on Facebook, Twitter, or format it on a text editor such as Word Document.
  • If you don't have an Internet connection and would like to type in Chinese offline, you can do it easily by installing our software for FREE. Visit this link. There are detailed instructions on how to download and install the software. Once installed on your PC you can easily type Chinese on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Word Document and can also email it.

    Yes, it is as easy as this. No need to remember complex Chinese keyboard layout or spend hours of your valuable time doing a speed test. Typing is as simple as speaking.

Pinying Alphabets on Keyboard

Fig 1. Simplified Chinese (Mandarin Chinese Keyboard Layout). Click to enlarge

Chinese /漢語/ language comprises seven main dialects that are spoken across China, Hong Kong Tiwan and other parts of the world. They are: Mandarin (官話), Cantonese (廣州話, 廣府話), Hakka (客家話), Wu (吳語), Min (閩語), Xiang (湘語), and Gan (贛語).

Mandarin (Pŭtōnghuà) is spoken in the capital Beijing and is official language of mainland china. It is also the most spoken than any other. Over 1.3 billion population around the world speaks. In Hong kong and overseas communities, Cantonese is the popular one and it is spoken by about 70million people including in Singapore, Malaysia. Han Chinese dialects are spoken by 92 percent of total population. About two third of the Han population speaks Mandarin as their native tongue. In Tiwan - Mandarin, Taiwanese (a variety of Min), and Hakka are spoken as a major language.

All seven varieties of these seven Chinese dialects belong to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages and each one has its ow sub dialects. Each syllable can have different meanings depending on the intonation. For E.g Taiwanese has 7 tones, Mandarin has 4 tones and Cantonese has between 6 to 9.

You can use above Pinyin Input tool above to get Chinese Alphabets by typing the Chinese in English exactly the way you speak it in Chinese. Please use the facebook comment.

Thank you.

  • How to type in Chinese using English Keyboard - QWERTY keyboard?

    To start typing in Chinese, just type a word as it is pronounced in English. This would then be transliterated into Chinese. For E.g. if you type “Ni hao ma?” then it would be transliterated into “你好吗”.

    If the transliterated word is not what you have expected - either click on the word or use the backspace to get more choices on a drop-down menu.

  • What is difference between Translation and Transliteration?

    A translation tells you the meaning of words in another language. For E.g the translation of "How are you?" would be "你好吗" in Chinese. You can use various online tool for translating word, sentence and phrase from English to Chinese for FREE. Some of the popular translation tool are Google Translator, Bing Translator for FREE.

    On the other hand, transliteration software works on phonetics. A transliteration doesn't tell you the meaning of the words but it helps you pronounce them. What you type in Roman script is converted in Chinese script. For E.g. typing "Xiexie" will be converted into "Thank you".

    Therefore, we can say, transliteration changes the letters from one alphabet into the similar-sounding characters of another alphabet. This makes it the simplest and fastest method of typing in Chinese without practising any Chinese Keyboard. You can either use Google Input Tool for FREE.

Translate English words, sentences and phrases into Traditional Chinese for FREE.
Translate English words, sentences and phrases into Simplified Chinese for FREE.
Translate Chinese words, sentences and phrases into Hindi for FREE.
Translate Hindi words, sentences and phrases into Chinese for FREE.
Chinese Currency Exchange Rates
Currency Unit (Yuan)
U. S Dollar 1 Dollar ($) 7.0662 Yaun
UK Pound 1 Pound (£) 9.2348 Yaun
Euro 1 Euro 7.7366 Yaun
Saudi Riyal 1 S. Riyal 1.8817 Yaun
Bahrain Dinar 1 Dinar 18.7658 Yaun
Qatari Riyal 1 Q. Riyal 1.9407 Yaun
Translate English words, sentences and phrases into Korean for FREE.
Translate English words, sentences and phrases into Japanese for FREE.